Anastasia Kiratzi ARISTOTLE
THESSALONIKI, GREECE e-mail: kiratzi@geo.auth.gr ORCID-ID: 0000-0002-9277-8893 RESEARCHER-ID: M-7429-2013 |
to my full CV:
http://geophysics.geo.auth.gr/~sissy/CVKiratzi_en.pdf - In English
http://geophysics.geo.auth.gr/~sissy/CVKiratzi_gr.pdf - In Greek
Svigkas, N. et al. (2025). Detailed
Retrieval of the 3D Displacements, Fault Model, Shakemap and Stress Change of
the Türkiye –
Syria 6 February 2023 seismic events based on SAOCOM-1, ALOS-2, Sentinel-1 and
Seismic Waveform Data Analysis (submitted).
Vavlas, N., Fountoulakis, I.,
Roumelioti, Z., Evangelidis, C.P. and A. Kiratzi (2024). Imaging the sources of
the March 2021 seismic sequence in Thessaly Basin (central Greece) from
kinematic slip inversion and back-projection of waveform envelopes. Bulletin
of the Seismological Society of America, 114 (2): 758-774. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1785/0120230024
Papadimitriou, Å. and others (2023). The seismogenic
structure of March 2021 Tyrnavos (central Greece) doublet (Ìw6.3 and Mw6.0),
constrained by aftershock locations and geodetic data, Geophysical Journal
International, 235 (1), 644–689, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggad253
Plicka, V., Gallovič, F.,
Zahradník, J., Serpetsidaki, A., Sokos, E., Vavlas, N. and A. Kiratzi
(2022). The
2020 Samos Mw7 earthquake: source model depicting complexity and rupture
directivity. Tectonophysics, 843, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229591
Bignami, C., Antonioli,
A., Atzori, S., Kiratzi, A., Polcari, M., Svigkas, N., Tolomei, C. & the
GEOSAR Laboratory (2021). Mapping InSAR deformation of low and
moderate earthquakes. Procedia Computer
Science, 181, 214 - 219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.139.
Evangelidis, C. P., N. Triantafyllis,
M. Samios, K. Boukouras, K. Kontakos, O.-J. Ktenidou, I. Fountoulakis, I.
Kalogeras, N. S. Melis, O. Galanis, C. Papazachos, P. Hatzidimitriou, E.
Scordilis, E. Sokos, P. Paraskevopoulos, A. Serpetsidaki, G. Kaviris, V.
Kapetanidis, P. Papadimitriou, N. Voulgaris, I. Kassaras, G. Chatzopoulos, I.
Makris, F. Vallianatos, K. Konstantinidou, C. Papaioannou, N. Theodoulidis, B.
Margaris, S. Pilidou, I. Dimitriadis, P. Iosif, M. Manakou, Z. Roumelioti, K.
Pitilakis, E. Riga, G. Drakatos, Anastasia Kiratzi, G.‐Akis Tselentis;
Seismic Waveform Data from Greece and Cyprus: Integration, Archival, and Open
Access. Seismological Research Letters
2021; 92 (3): 1672–1684. https://doi.org/10.1785/0220200408.
Kiratzi, A., Papazachos, C.,
Özacar, A., Pinar, A., Kkallas, Ch. and E. Sopachi (2022). Characteristics
of the 2020 Samos earthquake (Aegean Sea) using seismic data. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20
(14), 7713-7735 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01239-1
Svigkas, N.,
Kiratzi, A., Antonioli, A., Atzori, S., Tolomei, C., Salvi, S., Polcari, M. and
C. Bignami (2021). Earthquake source investigation of the
Kanallaki, March 2020 sequence (North-Western Greece) based on seismic and
geodetic data. Remote Sensing, 13
(9), 1752. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13091752
Vavlas, N., Kiratzi, A. and Z.
Roumelioti (2021). Source Process Related Delays in Earthquake Early Warning
for example cases in Greece. Bulletin of
the Seismological Society of America, 111(6), 3076-3089. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120200385
Svigkas, N., Loupasakis, C.,
Tsangaratos, P., Papoutsis, I., Kiratzi, A. and H. Kontoes (2020). A
deformation study of Anthemountas graben (northern Greece) based on in situ
data and new InSAR results. Arabian
Journal of Geosciences, 13, 518, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-020-05393-9
Svigkas N., Papoutsis I., Loupasakis
C., Tsangaratos P., Kiratzi A., and Ch. Kontoes (2019). Radar Space
Measurements of the Deforming Trends at Northern Greece Resulting from
Underground Water Activity. In: El-Askary H., Lee S., Heggy E., Pradhan B.
(eds) Advances in Remote Sensing and Geo Informatics Applications. Advances in
Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for
Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01440-7_70
Svigkas, N., Atzori, S., Kiratzi, A.,
Tolomei, C., Antonioli, A., Papoutsis, I., Salvi, S., and Ç. Kontoes (2019). On
the segmentation of the Cephalonia-Lefkada Transform Fault Zone (Greece) from
an InSAR Multi-Mode Dataset of the Lefkada 2015 Sequence, Remote Sensing., 11 (16), 1848; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11161848
Svigkas, N.,
Atzori, S., Kiratzi, A., Tolomei, C., and S. Salvi (2019). Isolating
swarm sources using InSAR: the case of the February 2017 seismic swarm in
Western Anatolia (Türkiye), Geophysical
Journal International, 217, 1479-1495. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz093
Kiratzi, A., Benetatos, C. and F.
Vallianatos (2018). Seismic deformation derived from moment tensor summation:
application along the Hellenic Trench, (Book Chapter 10). Springer
International Publishing AG, S. D’ Amico (ed.), Moment Tensor Solutions: A Useful Tool for Seismotectonics,
233-251, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77359-9_10
Kiratzi, A. (2018). The 12 June 2017 Mw
6.3 Lesvos Island (Aegean Sea) earthquake: Slip model and directivity estimated
with finite-fault inversion, Tectonophysics,
724-725, 1-10 https://doi.org/10.1016/J.TECTO.2018.01.003
Savvaidis, A., Makra, K., Klimis, N.,
Zargli, E., Kiratzi, A. and N. Theodulidis (2018). Comparison of Vs30 using
measured, assigned and proxy values in three cities of northern Greece, Engineering Geology, 239, 63-78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.03.003
Svigkas, N., Papoutsis, I., Loupasakis,
K., Tsangaratos, P., Kiratzi, A. and Ch. Kontoes (2017). InSAR time-series monitoring
of ground displacement trends in an industrial area (Oreokastro - Thessaloniki,
Greece): detection of natural surface rebound and new tectonic insights, Environmental Earth Sciences,
76(5):195, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-017-6517-9
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A., Margaris,
B. and A. Chatzipetros (2017). Simulation of strong ground motion on near-fault
rock outcrop for engineering purposes: the case of the city of Xanthi (northern
Greece), Bulletin of Earthquake
Engineering, 15(1), 25-49, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-016-9949-9
Kiratzi, A., Tsakiroudi, E., Benetatos,
C. and G. Karakaisis (2016). The May 24, 2014 (Mw6.8) earthquake in North
Aegean Trough: spatiotemporal evolution, source and slip model from teleseismic
data, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,
95, 85-100, DOI: 0.1016/j.pce.2016.08.003 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pce.2016.08.003
Svigkas, N., Papoutsis, I., Loupasakis,
K., Tsangaratos, P., Kiratzi, A. and Ch. Kontoes (2016). Land subsidence
rebound detected via multi-temporal InSAR and ground truth data in Kalochori
and Sindos regions, Northern Greece, Engineering
Geology, 209, 175-186. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.05.017
Křížová, D.,
Zahradník, J. and A. Kiratzi (2016). Possible indicator of a strong
isotropic earthquake component – example of two shallow earthquakes in Greece. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of
America, 106 (6), 2784-2795. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120160086
Sokos, E., J. Zahradník, F.
Gallovič, A. Serpetsidaki, V. Plicka, and A. Kiratzi (2016), Asperity
break after 12 years: The Mw6.4 2015 Lefkada (Greece) earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, https://doi.org/10.1002/2016GL069427
Sokos, E., Kiratzi, A., Gallovič,
F., Zahradník, J., Serpetsidaki, A., Plicka, V., Kostelecký, J.,
Janský, J. and G-A. Tselentis (2015). Rupture process of the 2014
Cephalonia earthquake doublet (Mw6) as inferred from regional and local seismic
data, Tectonophysics, 656, 131-141.
Kiratzi A.A. (2015) Mechanisms of
Earthquakes in Aegean. In: Beer M., Kougioumtzoglou I.A., Patelli E., Au SK.
(eds) Encyclopedia of Earthquake
Engineering. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-35344-4_299
Kiratzi A., Roumelioti, Z.,
Chatzipetros A., and G. Papathanasiou (2014). Simulation of off-fault surface
effects from historical earthquakes: the case of the city of Thessaloniki
(Northern Greece): In the book
“Engineering Geology for Society and Territory”, Vol. 5 “Urban Geology,
Sustainable Planning and Landscape Exploitation”, Giorgio Lollino (Ed.,)
8643pp/ 8 volume-set ISBN 978-3-319-10303-7.
Kiratzi, A., and N. Svigkas (2013). A
study of the 8 January 2013 Mw5.8 earthquake sequence (Lemnos Island, East
Aegean Sea), Tectonophysics, 608,
452-460, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2013.09.002
Křížová, D.,
Zahradník, J. and A. Kiratzi (2013). Resolvability of isotropic
component in regional seismic moment tensor inversion, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103, Issue 4,
2460-2473, doi:10.1785/0120120097.
Kiratzi, A. A., (2013). The January
2012 earthquake sequence in the Cretan Basin, south of the Hellenic Volcanic
Arc: focal mechanisms, rupture directivity and slip models, Tectonophysics, 586, 160-172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2012.11.019
Kiratzi, A. and E. Dimakis (2013).
Focal mechanisms and slip models of moderate size earthquakes in Albania and
adjacent countries, Italian Journal of
Geosciences, 132 (2), 186-193. https://doi.org/10.3301/IJG.2011.33
Chatzipetros, A., Kiratzi, A., Sboras,
S. and S. Pavlides (2013). Active faulting in the north-eastern Aegean Sea
Islands, Tectonophysics, 597 (SI),
106-122., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2012.11.026
Sokos, E., Zahradník, J.,
Kiratzi, A., Jansky, J., Gallovic, F., O. Novotny, J. Kostelecky, A.
Serpetsidaki and G-A. Tselentis (2012). The January 2010 Efpalio earthquake
sequence in the western Corinth Gulf (Greece), Tectonophysics, 530-531, 299–309.
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A. and C.
Benetatos (2011). Time Domain Moment Tensors of Earthquakes in the broader
Aegean Sea for the years 2006-2007: the database of the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Journal of Geodynamics,
51 (2-3), 179-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2010.01.011
Kiratzi, A. (2011). The 6 September
2009 Mw5.4 earthquake sequence in eastern Albania – FYROM borders: focal
mechanisms slip model, Turkish Journal
of Earth Sciences, 20 (4), 475-488, DOI: 10.3906/yer-1001-7.
Kiratzi, A. (2010). The 24 May 2009
Mw5.2 earthquake sequence near Lake Doirani (FYROM - Greek borders): focal
mechanisms and slip model using empirical Source Time Function’s inversion, Tectonophysics, 490, 115-122.
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A. and C.
Benetatos (2010). The instability of the Mw and ML Comparison for Earthquakes
in Greece for the Period 1969 to 2007, Journal
of Seismology, 14, 309-337, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10950-009-9167-x
Roumelioti, Z., Benetatos, C. and A.
Kiratzi (2009). The 14 February 2008 earthquake (M6.7) sequence offshore south
Peloponnese (Greece): source models of the three strongest events, Tectonophysics, 471 (3-4), 272-284. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2009.02.028
Kiratzi, A., Sokos, E., Ganas, A.,
Tselentis, A., Benetatos, C., Roumelioti, Z., Serpetsidaki, A., Andriopoulos,
G., Galanis, O., and Petrou, P. (2008). The April 2007 earthquake swarm near
Lake Trichonis and implications for active tectonics in western Greece, Tectonophysics, 452, 51-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2008.02.009
Ganas, Á., Bosy, J., Petro, L., Drakatos,
G., Kontny, B., Stercz, M., Melis, N., Caçon, S. and A. Kiratzi (2007). Monitoring active structures in Eastern
Corinth Gulf (Greece): The Kaparelli fault, Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, Vol. 4, No 1(145), 67-75.
Benetatos, C., Dreger, D. and A.
Kiratzi (2007). Complex and segmented rupture associated with the 14 August
2003 (Mw 6.2) Lefkada (Ionian Islands) earthquake, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 97 (1B), 35–51, https://doi.org/10.1785/0120060123
Theodulidis, N., Roumelioti, Z., Panou,
A., Savvaidis, A., Kiratzi, A., Grigoriadis, V., Dimitriou, P. and T.
Chatzigogos (2006). Retrospective Prediction of Macroseismic Intensities Using
Strong Ground Motion Simulation: The Case of the 1978 Thessaloniki (Greece)
Earthquake (M6.5), Bulletin of
Earthquake Engineering, 4 (2), 101-130.
Karabulut, H., Roumelioti, Z.,
Benetatos, C., Kömec Mutlu, A., Özalaybey, S., Aktar, M. and A.
Kiratzi (2006). A source study of the 6 July 2003 (Mw 5.7) earthquake sequence
in the Gulf of Saros (Northern Aegean Sea): Seismological evidence for the
western continuation of the Ganos fault, Tectonophysics,
412, 195 – 216.
Benetatos, C.,
Kiratzi, A., Ganas, A., Ziazia, M., Plessa, A. and G. Drakatos (2006). Strike
–slip motions in the Gulf of Siğacik (western Anatolia): properties of the
17 October 2005 earthquake seismic sequence, Tectonophysics, 426, 263-279.
Benetatos, Ch. and A. Kiratzi (2006).
Finite – fault slip models for the 15 April 1979 (Mw 7.1) Montenegro earthquake
and its strongest aftershock of 24 May 1979 (Mw 6.2), Tectonophysics, 421, 129 - 143.
Arrigo, G.,
Roumelioti, Z., Benetatos, Ch., Kiratzi, A., Bottari, A., Neri, G., Termini,
D., Gorini, A. and S. Marcucci (2006). Source modeling of the 1998 Lauria
earthquake (Mw 5.6) in southern Italy by simulation of the ground acceleration
time history, Natural Hazards, 37,
245 – 262.
Benetatos, Ch., Kiratzi, A.,
Roumelioti, Z., Stavrakakis, G., Drakatos, G. and I. Latoussakis (2005). The 14
August 2003 Lefkada Island (Greece) earthquake: focal mechanisms of the
mainshock and of the aftershock sequence, Journal
of Seismology, 9, 171 - 190. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10950-005-7092-1
Bourova, E., Kassaras, I., Pedersen,
H., Yanovskaya, T., Hatzfeld, D. and A. Kiratzi (2005). Constraints on absolute
S velocities beneath the Aegean Sea from surface wave analysis, Geophysical Journal International, 160,
1006 – 1019. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02565.x
Roumelioti, Z., Ch. Benetatos, A.
Kiratzi, G. Stavrakakis and N. Melis (2004). A study of the 2 December 2002 (M5.5) Vartholomio earthquake
sequence in western Peloponnese (Greece), Tectonophysics,
387, 65 - 79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2004.06.008
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A. and N.
Theodoulidis (2004). Stochastic Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the 7
September 1999 Athens (Greece) Earthquake, Bulletin
of the Seismological Society of America, 94(3), 1036 – 1052. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120030219
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A. and D.
Dreger (2004). The source process of the July 26, 2001 Skyros Island (Greece)
earthquake, Geophysical Journal
International, 156 (3), 541-548. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02124.x
Benetatos, C., Kiratzi, A., Papazachos,
C. and G. Karakaisis (2004). Focal mechanisms of shallow and intermediate depth
earthquakes along the Hellenic Trench, Journal
of Geodynamics, 37, 253-296. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2004.02.002
Benetatos, Ch. and A. Kiratzi (2004).
Stochastic strong ground motion simulation of intermediate depth earthquakes:
The cases of the 30 May 1990 Vrancea (Romania) and of the 22 January 2002
Karpathos island (Greece) events, Soil
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 24, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2003.10.003
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A. and N.
Melis (2003). Relocation of the July 26, 2001 Skyros Island (Greece) Earthquake
Sequence Using the Double-Difference Technique, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 138, 231-239. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0031-9201(03)00138-9
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A.,
Theodoulidis, N., Kalogeras, I. and G. Stavrakakis (2003). Source directivity
during the September 7, 1999 (Mw 5.9) Athens (Greece) earthquake obtained from
strong-motion records, Pure and Applied
Geophysics, 160 (12), 2301 - 2318. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-003-2395-z
Roumelioti, Z., Dreger, D., Kiratzi,
A., and Theodoulidis, N. (2003). Slip distribution of the September 7, 1999
Athens earthquake inferred from an empirical Green’s function study, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of
America, 93(2), 775-782. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120020053
Polatidis, A., Kiratzi, A.,
Hatzidimitriou, P. and B. Margaris (2003). Attenuation of shear-waves in the
back-arc region of the Hellenic arc for frequencies from 0.6 to 16 Hz, Tectonophysics, 367, 29-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0040-
Kiratzi, A. and E. Louvari (2003).
Focal mechanisms of shallow earthquakes in the Aegean Sea and the surrounding
lands determined by waveform modelling: a new database, Journal of Geodynamics, 36, 251 - 274. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0264-3707(03)00050-4
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A.,
Theodoulidis, N. and C. Papaioannou (2002). S-wave spectral analysis to
retrieve the source parameters of the 1995 Kozani-Grevena (NW Greece)
aftershock sequence, Journal of
Seismology, 6, 219-236. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1015614703728
Roumelioti, Z. and A. Kiratzi (2002).
Stochastic Simulation of Strong-Motion Records from the 15 April 1979 (M 7.1)
Montenegro (Yugoslavia) Earthquake, Bulletin
of the Seismological Society of America, 92, 1095-1101. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120010197
Papazachos, B., Karakostas, V.,
Kiratzi, A., Margaris, V., Papazachos, C. and E. Scordilis (2002). The
advantage of determination of earthquake magnitudes in Greece in the local
scale, Reply to the comment of N. Ambraseys, Journal of Seismology, 6, 589-591.
Papazachos, B., Karakostas, V.,
Kiratzi, A., Margaris, V., Papazachos, C. and E. Scordilis (2002).
Uncertainties in the estimation of earthquake magnitudes in Greece, Journal of Seismology, 6, 557 – 570. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1021214126748
Kiratzi, A. (2002). Stress tensor
inversions along the westernmost North Anatolian Fault Zone and its
continuation into the North Aegean Sea, Geophysical
Journal International, 151, 360-376. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-246X.2002.01753.x
Karagianni, E., Panagiotopoulos, D.,
Panza, G., Suhadolc, P., Papazachos, C., Kiratzi, A., Hatzfeld, D.,
Makropoulos, K., Priestley, K. and A. Vuan (2002). Rayleigh wave group velocity
tomography in the Aegean area, Tectonophysics,
358, 187 - 209. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0040-1951(02)00424-9
Galanis, O., Tsapanos, Th.,
Papadopoulos, G. and A. Kiratzi (2002). Bayesian extreme values distribution
for seismicity parameters assessment in South America, Journal of the Balkan Geophysical Society, 5(3), 77-86. http://www.balkangeophysoc.gr/online-journal/2002_V5/aug2002/V5-3-3.pdf
Benetatos, C., Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi,
A. and Melis, N. (2002). Source Parameters of the M6.5 Skyros Island (North
Aegean Sea) Earthquake of July 26, 2001, Annals
of Geophysics (former Annali di Geofisica), 45(3), 513 – 526.
Louvari, E., Kiratzi, A., Papazachos,
B. and P. Hatzidimitriou (2001). Fault plane solutions determined by waveform
modelling confirm tectonic collision in eastern Adriatic, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 158(9-10), 1613-1638. https://doi.org/10.1007/PL00001236
Louvari, E. and A. Kiratzi (2001).
Source parameters of the September 7, 1999 Athens (Greece) earthquake from
teleseismic data, Journal of the Balkan
Geophysical Society, 43(3), 51-60. http://www.balkangeophysoc.gr/online-journal/2001_V4/aug2001/v4-3-1.pdf
Kiratzi, A. and E. Louvari (2001).
Source parameters of the Izmit-Bolu 1999 (Turkey) earthquake sequences from
teleseismic data, Annali di Geofisica,
44, 33-47.
Hatzfeld, D., Karagianni, E., Kassaras,
I., Kiratzi, A., Louvari, E., Lyon-Caen, H., Makropoulos, K., Papadimitriou,
P., Bock, G., Priestley, K. (2001). Shear wave anisotropy in the upper mantle
beneath the Aegean related to internal deformation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (B12), 30737-30754. https://bit.ly/3dFDso1
Drakos, A., Stiros, S. and A. Kiratzi
(2001). Fault parameters of the 1980 Volos (central Greece) earthquake (Mw=6.5)
from inversion of repeated levelling data, Bulletin
of the Seismological Society of America, 91, 1673-1684. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120000232
Tiberi, C., Lyon-Caen, H., Hatzfeld,
D., Achauer, U., Karagianni, E., Kiratzi, A., Louvari, E., Panagiotopoulos, D.,
Kassaras, I., Kaviris, G., Makropoulos, K. and P. Papadimitriou (2000). Crustal
and upper mantle structure beneath the Corinth rift (Greece) from a teleseismic
tomography study, Journal of Geophysical
Research, 105(B12), 28159-28171. https://doi.org/10.1029/2000JB900216
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A.,
Theodulidis, N. and C. Papaioannou (2000). A comparative study of a stochastic
and a deterministic simulation of strong ground motion applied to the Kozani –
Grevena (NW Greece) 1995 sequence, Annali
di Geofisica, 43 (5), 951-966.
Louvari, E., Kiratzi, A. and B. C.
Papazachos (1999). The Cephalonia Transform Fault and its continuation to
western Lefkada Island, Tectonophysics,
308, 223-236.
Kiratzi, A. (1999). Stress tensor
inversion in western Greece using earthquake data from the Kozani-Grevena 1995
seismic sequence, Annali di Geofisica,
42(4), 725-734.
Papazachos, B. C., Papadimitriou, E.
E., Kiratzi, A. A., Papazachos, C. B. and E. K. Louvari (1998). Fault plane
solutions in the Aegean Sea and the surrounding area and their tectonic
implication, Bolletino di Geofisica
Teorica ed Applicata, 39, 199-218.
Papazachos, B., Karakostas, B.,
Kiratzi, A., Papadimitriou, E. and C. B. Papazachos (1998). A model for the
1995 Kozani-Grevena seismic sequence, Journal
of Geodynamics, 26(2-4), 217-231.
Papazachos, B. C., Kiratzi, A. A. and
B. G. Karakostas (1997). Toward a homogeneous moment-magnitude determination
for earthquakes in Greece and the surrounding area, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 87, 474-483.
Louvari, E. and A. Kiratzi (1997).
Rake: A window’s program to plot earthquake focal mechanisms and stress
orientation, Computers and Geosciences,
23, 851-857. DOI: 10.1016/S0098-3004(97)00070-8. ftp://geophysics.geo.auth.gr/pub/users/sissy/RAKE
Papazachos, C. and A. Kiratzi (1996). A
detailed study of the active crustal deformation in the Aegean and surrounding
area, Tectonophysics, 253, 129-154.
Kiratzi, A. and C. Papazachos (1996).
Moment tensor inversion to derive the active crustal deformation in Japan, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of
America, 86, 821-831.
Hatzfeld, D., Kementzetzidou, V.,
Karakostas, V., Ziazia, M., Nothard, S., Diagourtas, D., Deschamps, A.,
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149. Kiratzi,
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161. Kiratzi,
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(2006). Earthquakes and urban areas: Application of advanced techniques in
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167. Roumelioti,
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176. Papazachos,
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180. Kiratzi,
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Mountrakis (1987). Properties of the aftershock sequence and of the causative
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185. Papazachos,
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WEGENER/ MEDLAS Conference, May 14- 16, Athens, 1986, 1- 16.
186. Papazachos,
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Regionalization of seismic hazard in Greece. Proceedings of the 12th Seminar on
Earthquake Engineering, September 16-25, Khalkidhiki, 1985, 1-12.
187. Papaioannou,
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the attenuation of intensities in the southern Balkan region. Proceedings of
3rd Symposium on the Analysis of Seismicity and Seismic Risk, June 17-22, 1985,
Czechoslovakia, 306-312.
188. Kiratzi,
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seismic sources and of the propagation medium that define the distribution of
earthquake damage in Greece. “Proceedings of the Conference on Earthquakes and
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189. Papazachos,
B., Kiratzi, A. and C. Papaioannou (1983). Stress patterns determined by fault
plane solutions in the Aegean area. Proceedings of the General Assembly of the
European Geophysical Society and European Seismological Commission, Leeds,
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190. Papazachos,
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191. Kiratzi,
A. (1991). The focal mechanism of the 25 May 1971 (Mw6.1) aftershock of the
Gediz (Turkey) earthquake, Publ. of the Geophysical Lab., No 8, 45-47.
192. Papazachos,
B., Panagiotopoulos, D., Scordilis, E., Karakaisis, G. Papaioannou, X.,
Karakostas, B., Papadimitriou, E., Kiratzi, A. Hatzidimitriou, P., Leventakis,
G. Voidomatis, F. Peftitselis, K., and Tsapanos, Th. (1995). The physical
process of genesis of the earthquake of Kozani-Grevena 13 May 1995 (M = 6.6)
and of its earthquake sequence. “Geotechniki Enimerosi”, 73, 54-64.
193. Louvari,
E., Kiratzi, A. and B. Papazachos (1998). Earthquake fault plane solutions
database and the stress field in the Aegean and the surrounding area. Proc. of
the Scientific Meeting on “Earthquake fault plane solutions: databases, derived
parameters, geodynamic inferences”, Taormina (Messina), Sicily, February 4-5,
1997, Neri, G. and C. Eva (editors), 18-21.
194. Kiratzi,
A. (1999). The seismicity of Greece in the context of plate motions.
Proceedings of the Workshop “On the Seismic Disaster Response” Thessaloniki,
Greece, 3-4, Dec., 1999, pp. 14.
195. Papazachos,
B.K., Karakostas, B.G., Kiratzi, A. A., Margaris, B.N., Papazachos, and
Scordilis, M. (2002). On the Magnitude of Earthquakes in Greece, Symposium in
memory Angelo Galanopoulos, 31 October – 2 November 2002, Athens, pp. 9.
196. Zouros
N, Pavlides S, Kiratzi AA, Karakaisis G, Drakatos G, Soulakellis N, Vaitis M,
Tsapanos Th, Chatzipetros A, Ganas A, Sboras S, Koravos G, Koukourouvli N,
Lampaki O and Valiakos I (2008) Active fault and seismicity maps of the North
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research tools in geosciences for seismic hazard management in NE Aegean
islands, Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest, Mytilene
(Lesvos Island), Greece. http://naseismic.geo.aegean.gr
197. Kiratzi,
A. and the Site-Classification Research Team (2015). Characterization of site
conditions in Greece for realistic seismic ground motion simulations: pilot
application in urban areas, Final Report of the project [MIS 377355].
198. Tafaro, F., Roumelioti, Z., Neri, G. and A. Kiratzi
(2009). Synthetic Strong Ground Motions for the 28 December 1908
(M7.0) Messina Earthquake: Investigating Different Source Geometries, pp. 15.
199. Kiratzi,
A. (2009). The 24 May 2009 Mw5.2 earthquake sequence near Lake Doirani (FYROM -
Greek borders): focal mechanisms slip model, ground motions. Report submitted
to European Mediterranean Seismological Commission, pp. 8
200. Kastelic,
V., Kiratzi, A., Benetatos, C., Živčić, M. and J. Bajc (2009). Q
for shear waves in the upper crust of western and central Slovenia, pp. 12.
201. Kiratzi,
A. and Research Team (2008). Cross border cooperation between universities and
educational institutes in the field of natural disasters and environmental
education], INTERREG IIIA, GREECE – FYROM, 2006 – 30.6.2008, Final Report.
202. Kiratzi,
A. and Research Team (2008). Contribution of advanced methods of Geosciences in
seismic risk management with emphasis to the built environment of the North
Aegean Sea Islands); [
203. Piccardi,
Luigi, L. Toth, Eutizio Vittori, Shyqyri Aliaj, Giuseppe Cello, W.D.
Cunningham, G. Drakatos, Andrej Gosar, D. Herak, Marijan Herak, Stanka
Šebela, Eduard Sulstarova, G. Windhoffer, B. Glavatović, A. Kiratzi,
A. Ganas, M. Omerbašić, Spyros Pavlides, L. Petro, G. Sijarić,
Bruno Tomljenović, E. Tondi (2008). A first attempt at compiling a map of
active faults of the Adria region.
204. Kiratzi,
A. and C. Benetatos (2008). The 6 January 2008 (Mw6.2) Leonidio (southern
Greece) intermediate depth earthquake: teleseismic body wave modelling, Res.
Report (http://www.emsc-csem.org/current/evt/TeleseismicInversion_Leonidion.pdf)
205. Kiratzi,
A., Roumelioti, Z., Benetatos, C. and D. Dreger (2008). ShakeMaps for
earthquakes in Greece, Technical Report prepared for a bilateral project
between Greece – USA, funded by GSRT, pp. 176.
206. Roumelioti,
Z. and A. Kiratzi (2008). Stochastic strong ground motion simulations from
scenario earthquakes affecting the cities of Drama, Kavala, Xanthi, Komotini
(eastern Macedonia and Thrace). In the Technical Report prepared in the
framework of the project: “Contribution of Seismology, Geology and Geophysics
in the identification of active tectonic structures and to the simulation of
expected ground motions in selected sites: emphasis in the area of Macedonia
and Thrace”, EPEAEK: Pythagoras II Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs,
WP4, pp. 32 (in Greek).
207. Karamitrou,
Á. and Á. Kiratzi (2008). Stochastic simulation of the ground motions of the
August 9, 1912 Ìw 7.4 earthquake in the Ganos Fault, Technical Report prepared
in the framework of the bilateral Greece – Turkey project with title: “Common
strategies in earthquake hazard assessment and seismological data exchange
between Turkey and Greece”, pp. 18 (in Greek).
208. Roumelioti,
Z. and A. Kiratzi (2008). The 14 October 2008 moderate magnitude sequence
offshore NE Evia Island (Aegean Sea): Time-domain Moment tensors and shake map.
Report submitted to European Mediterranean Seismological Commission, pp. 6
209. Roumelioti,
Z., Benetatos, Ch., Kiratzi, A. and D. Dreger (2007). Near-Real Time Moment
Tensors for Earthquakes in Greece provided by the Dept of Geophysics, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki (AUTH –solutions). Research Report
210. Drakatos,
G., Ganas, A. and A. Kiratzi (2005). 3-D monitoring of active tectonic
structures. Technical Report prepared for COST Action 625, pp. 25.
211. Kiratzi,
A., Roumelioti, Z., Benetatos, C. and D. Dreger (2005). Development of
procedures for the rapid estimation of ground shaking from earthquakes in
Greece for immediate response, Technical Report prepared in the framework of a
bilateral Project between Greece – USA, funded by GSRT pp. 76.
212. Benetatos,
C. and A. Kiratzi (2005). Preliminary Slip Distribution of the 18 October 2005
(Mw 5.6) Zakynthos event (Ionian Sea), Research Report submitted to EMSC, pp.4
213. Roumelioti,
Æ. and A. Kiratzi (2004). Earthquakes affecting the built environment of the
city of Thessaloniki, Technical Report prepared in the framework of the
SEISIMPACT-THES project, pp. 12.
214. Peçi,
V., E. Scordilis, A. Kiratzi, B. Muço, N. Kuka, and Sh. Shubleka (2002).
A new catalogue for earthquakes in Albania and surrounding area for the period
1964-2000. Proc. 26th General Assembly of the European Seismological
Commission, Special Session SS-3 “Seismogenic sources in the Mediterranean area
and probability of future large earthquakes”, September 1-6, 2002, Genoa, Italy.
215. Kiratzi,
A., Karakaisis, G., Scordilis, E., Roumelioti, Z., Benetatos, Ch.,
Kementzetzidou, K. and A. Baba (2003). A study of the June 2003 earthquake
activity in the Psachna region of Evia Island, Technical Report submitted to
OASP, (in Greek), pp. 10.
216. Muço,
B., Kiratzi, A., Aliaj, S., Sulstarova, E., Koçiu, S., Peçi, V.,
Scordilis, E. and N. Kuka (2003). Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in
Albania. Included in the Scientific Report of the project “Seismotectonics and
Seismic Hazard Assessment in Albania” pp. 20.
Cauzzi, C., et al (2025). ORFEUS-Coordinated
Seismological Datasets and Community Services in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
and Beyond, EGU25-5521, Session: SM3.3 – Next-Generation Seismic Networks and
Seismological Data Infrastructures.
Segou, M., Anastasia, K., Cauzzi, C.,
Custódio, S., Bossu, R., Haslinger, F., Danciu, L., Jalayer, F., Basili,
R., Molinari, I., and Oth, A.: EPOS Seismology: Connecting Communities,
Advancing Research, and Paving the Way Forward, EGU General Assembly 2024,
Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12844,
https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12844, 2024.
Svigkas, N., Striano, P., Atzori, S.,
Bonano, M., Tolomei, C., Vavlas, N., Kiratzi, A., Casu, F., Bignami, C., De
Luca, C., Polcari, M., Franzese, M., Antonioli, A., Manunta, M., Monterroso,
F., Roa, Y. L. B., and Lanari, R.: Detailed Slip Distribution Model of the
Türkiye-Syria 2023 Seismic Event exploiting SAOCOM-1, Sentinel-1 and
ALOS-2 Satellite Imagery., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19
Apr 2024, EGU24-6179, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6179, 2024.
Cauzzi, C., Clinton, J., Crawford, W.,
Custódio, S., D'Amico, S., Evangelidis, C., Haberland, C., Kiratzi, A.,
Luzi, L., Kolínský, P., Roumelioti, Z., Schaeffer, J., Sigloch,
K., Sleeman, R., and Strollo, A.: Status and Outlook of ORFEUS Data Services,
Products and Activities to Coordinate Access to Seismic Waveform Data in the
Euro-Mediterranean Region and Beyond, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna,
Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3477,
https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3477, 2024.
Cauzzi, C., J. Clinton, W. Crawford, S.
Custodio, S. D Amico, C. Evangelidis, C. Haberland, A. Kiratzi, P. Kolinsky, L.
Luzi, Z. Roumelioti, J. Schaeffer, K. Sigloch, R. Sleeman, A. Strollo (2024).
Vavlas, N. and A. Kiratzi (2023).
Assessing Earthquake Early Warning Potential Using the AdriaArray Network: A
Seismic Moment-Source Duration Scaling Approach, EPOS-Seismology Workshop,
Podgorica, Montenegro, 9 -11 Oct 2023. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.31871.38564
Cauzzi, C., Jarek Bieńkowski,
Wayne Crawford, Susana Custódio, Sebastiano D'Amico, Christos
Evangelidis, Christian Haberland, Florian Haslinger, Anastasia Kiratzi, Petr
Kolínský, Giovanni Lanzano, Zafeiria Roumelioti, Karin Sigloch,
Reinoud Sleeman, Angelo Strollo (2023). ORFEUS Data Services, Products and
Actions to Coordinate Access to Seismic Waveform Data in the Euro-Mediterranean
Region, EGU23-9051.
Vavlas, N., Kiratzi, A. and Z.
Roumelioti (2022). The January 2022 Florina (Northwestern Greece) Earthquake:
Source Process and Interactivity of Active Tectonics and CO2 Gas Emissions,
16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, 17-19 October,
2022 - Patras, Greece, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Sp.
Kiratzi, A. (2022). Aspects of
earthquake rupture kinematics with engineering significance: case studies from
Greece. MedGU conference, Oct 2022 Morocco, Abstract ID382.
Pitilakis K, Kiratzi A, Siskos S,
Fotopoulou S, Karafagka S, Petridis C, Manakou M, Liakakis K, Kozalakis K,
Siozios K, Pitilakis D, Spandonidis C, Giannopoulos F. (2022).
"SAFESCHOOLS: Earthquake Early Warning and Real-Time Seismic Risk
Assessment System for School Buildings", Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference 7th International Conference on Civil Protection &
New Technologies (SafeThessaloniki 2022), 29/09-01/10/2022
Vavlas, N., Kiratzi, A. and Z.
Roumelioti (2021). Earthquake Physics Imposed Limits in Earthquake Early
Warning: Application in Greece. Abstract and oral presentation at the 37th
General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 19-24 September,
Pitilakis K, Fotopoulou S, Kiratzi A,
Siskos S, Siozios K, Spandonidis C (2020). "Towards an earthquake early
warning and real-time seismic risk assessment system for school
buildings", Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Civil Protection & New Technologies (SAFE GREECE 2020),
14-16 October, on-line.
Bignami, C.,
Antonioli, A., Atzori, S., Kiratzi, A., Polcari, M., Svigkas, N., Tolomei, C.
and GeoSAR Lab (2020). Mapping InSAR deformation of moderate
size earthquakes. ID 943. CENTERIS 2020 - International Conference on
ENTERprise Information Systems. 21 - 23 October 2020, Vilamoura, Algarve,
Roumelioti, Z., and A. Kiratzi (2019).
On the operation of an earthquake early warning system at the Hellenic
subduction zone, Proc. of the International Earth Science Colloquium on the
Aegean Region (IESCA), 7-11 October 2019, Izmir, Turkey, abstract.
Svigkas N., Papoutsis I., Loupasakis
C., Tsangaratos P., Kiratzi A., Kontoes Ch. (2019). Radar Space Measurements of
the Deforming Trends at Northern Greece Resulting from Underground Water
Activity. 1st conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12-15 Nov 2018,
Hammamet, Tunisia
Kiratzi, A., Roumelioti, Z., Makra, K.,
Klimis, N. and A. Koskosidi (2018). Hybrid broadband seismic ground motions:
application to the city of Edessa in northern Greece, VII Int. Conf. in
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (7icege), Rome, Italy.
Gkogkas, K., Kiratzi, A. and Z.
Roumelioti (2018). The potential of an earthquake early warning system for
intermediate-depth earthquakes in Greece. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Natural
Hazards & Infrastructure, ICONHIC2019, 23-26 June 2019, Chania, Greece.
Kiratzi, A., and A. Koskosidi (2018).
Constraints on the near-source motions of the Kos-Bodrum 20 July 2017 Mw6.6
earthquake. 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 18-21 June
2018, Thessaloniki, pp.13.
Aktar, M., Kiratzi, A. and M. Bouchon
(2018). The surge of seismic swarms in 2012 on the east Aegean Sea and western
Turkey. 36th Gen. Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 2-7 Sept.
2018, Valletta – Malta, ESC2018-S6-609
Svigkas, N.,
Atzori, S., Kiratzi, A., Tolomei, C. and S. Salvi (2018). A
source study of the February 2017 Biga peninsula (Aegean Sea) earthquake swarm
inferred from inSAR and seismic waveform measurements. 36th Gen. Assembly of
the European Seismological Commission, 2-7 Sept. 2018, Valletta – Malta,
Svigkas, N.,
Atzori, S., Kiratzi, A., Tolomei, C. and S. Salvi (2018). An
InSAR study of the 2017 Biga peninsula swarm, General Assembly 2018 of the
European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 April 2018.
Svigkas, N.,
Atzori, S., Kiratzi, A., Tolomei, C. and S. Salvi (2017). An
analysis of the 2017 western Anatolia earthquake swarm in Biga peninsula,
Turkey. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11-15 December 2017.
Sokos, E., J. Zahradník, F.
Gallovič, A. Serpetsidaki, V. Plicka, and A. Kiratzi (2016). The Lefkada
2015 earthquake (Mw 6.4) rupture process as seen by regional and local seismic
data, 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission,
ESC2016-659, Sept 4-11, Trieste, Italy.
Loupasakis, C., Raspini, F., Svigkas, N.,
Papoutsis, I., Rozos, D., Tsangaratos, P., Moretti, S., Kiratzi, A. and Ch.
Kontoes (2016). Advancements in research on the land subsidence phenomena at
the wider coastal area of Thessaloniki, Greece, presented at the 2nd
International Workshop on Coastal Subsidence, Venice 2016.
Svigkas, N., Papoutsis, I., Loupasakis,
K., Kiratzi, A. and H. Kontoes (2015). Land Deformation at the Thessaloniki -
Giannitsa Plain (Greece) Deduced from 20- years Radar Observations using
Persistent Scatterers Techniques, 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract ID: 65112,
Kiratzi, A. (2015). The 16 April 2015
earthquake sequence near Kasos Island: left lateral strike-slip faulting at the
eastern Hellenic subduction zone, In “SafeChania 2015, June 10-12, 2015, Crete.
Kiratzi, A. (2015). Evidence for
sinistral strike-slip faulting along the eastern termination of the Hellenic
subduction zone: the April 2015 earthquake sequence (Kasos Island), In “The
Volcanic and Geodynamic Field of the South Aegean”, International Workshop- May
2015 Santorini Island.
Sokos, E., Serpetsidaki, A., Tselentis,
G-A., Kiratzi, A., J. Kostelecky, F. Gallovič, J. Jansky, V. Plicka and J.
Zahradník (2015). The Cephalonia 2014 earthquake sequence – what is
certain and uncertain? IUGG Prague, 2015.
Křížová, D.,
Zahradník, J. and A. Kiratzi (2015). Potential indicator of moment
tensors with isotropic component – results for synthetic tests and two
contrasting Greek shallow earthquakes, IUGG Prague, 2015.
Kiratzi, A., Klimis, N., Theodulidis,
N., Margaris, B., Makra, K., Chatzipetros, A., Papathanassiou, D., Savvaidis,
A., Roumelioti, Z. and E. Zargli (2014). Development of a web-based platform of
site classification in Greece, 6th International Conference on Earthquake
Geotechnical Engineering, Christchurch, New Zealand 1-4 November 2015.
Svigkas, N., Kiratzi, A. and M. Tranos
(2014). Extensional tectonics in central Greece oblique to the major
structures: implications from the August 2013 Mw5.4 Kallidromon Mt earthquake
sequence, AGU Fall Meeting, Paper ID: S13D-4504.
Svigkas, N., Papoutsis, I., Loupasakis,
K., Kontoes, H. & A. Kiratzi (2014). Geo-hazard Monitoring in Northern
Greece Using InSAR techniques: the case Study of Thessaloniki, 9th
International Workshop Fringe 2015 “Advances in the Science and Applications of
SAR Interferometry and Sentinel-1 InSAR”, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy 23 - 27
March 2015 (Abstract ID33).
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A. and B.
Margaris (2014). Earthquake scenario-based hybrid input motions for the case
city of Xanthi (Greece), Advances in Earthquake Source Physics Workshop, 1-2
Sept 2014, University College London.
Křížová, D.,
Zahradník, J. and A. Kiratzi (2014). Source characteristics of
earthquakes in volcanic regions, 1st Int. Geo-Cultural Symposium, 6-8 June
2014, Thira Island.
Theodoulidis, N., Klimis, N.,
Savvaidis, A., Margaris, B., Chatzipetros, A., Papathanassiou, G., Roumelioti,
Z., Makra, K., Anthymidis, M., Diamantis, I., Mimidis, K., Petala, E.,
Lazaridis, Th., Zargli, E., Kiratzi, A., Christaras, B., Kontoe, S., and S.
Sapountzi (2014). Defining shallow structure properties by composing
geophysical, geological and geotechnical data for site response analysis: the
case of Xanthi town (northeastern Hellas). 2nd European Conference on
Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, 25-29 August, 2014.
Papathanassiou, G., Kiratzi, A.,
Valkaniotis, S. and S. Pavlides (2014). Scenario liquefaction hazard map of the
Gulf of Corinth, Second European Conference on Earthquake and Engineering
Seismology, Istanbul Aug. 25-29, 2014.
Roumelioti, Z., Margaris, V. and A.
Kiratzi (2014). Synthetic strong ground motion from a scenario earthquake in a
region of sparse seismological data: Xanthi, N. Greece, Abstract ID 14-709, SSA
2014 Annual Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska.
Chaljub, E., Maufroy, E., de Martin,
F., Hollender, F., Cédric Guyonnet-Benaize, Manakou, M., Savvaidis, A.,
Kiratzi, A., Roumelioti, Z. and N. Theodoulidis (2014). How sensitive is
earthquake ground motion to source parameters? Insights from a numerical study
in the Mygdonian basin, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-11738,
2014, EGU General Assembly 2014.
Kiratzi A.,
Roumelioti, Z., Chatzipetros A., and G. Papathanassiou (2013). Simulation
of ground failures in the broader metropolitan region of Thessaloniki. In: 7th
Hellenic Conference of Geo-mechanics, Athens 5-7 November 2014.
Kiratzi A.,
Roumelioti, Z., Chatzipetros A., and G. Papathanassiou (2013). Simulation
of off-fault surface effects from historical earthquakes: the case of the city
of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece): IAEG XII CONGRESS, Torino 2014, Engineering
Geology for Society and Territory Session 5.16: Off-fault coseismic surface
effects and their impact in urban areas| Convener: Prof Pedro Alfaro.
Kiratzi, A., Klimis, N.,
Papathanassiou, G., Christaras, B., Chatzipetros, A., Pavlides, S.,
Theodoulidis, N., Margaris, B., Makra, K., Savvaidis, A., Roumelioti, Z.,
Zargli, E., Diamantis, I., Lazaridis, Th., Petala, E., Mimidis, K., and L.
Sapountzi (2013). Towards a classification of site conditions in Greece based
on their geological and geophysical characteristics, presented at ICEGE, From
Case History to Practice, 16-20 June 2013, Istanbul.
Kiratzi, A. (2013). The 1912 Ganos
earthquake: source constraints using ground motion simulations, 13th
International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Chania Sept 2013
|ID: 231.
Kiratzi, A., Aktar, M. and N. Svigkas
(2013). : The 10 June 2012 Mw6.0 earthquake sequence in the easternmost end of
the Hellenic Arc, 13th International Congress of the Geological Society of
Greece, Chania Sept 2013 | ID:230.
Kiratzi A., Klimis N., Theodoulidis N.,
Christaras V., Pavlides S., Papathanassiou G., Chatzipetros A., Margaris V.,
Makra K., Savvaidis A., Roumelioti Z., Lazaridis Th., Sapountzi L. (2013).
Characterization of site conditions in Greece for realistic seismic ground
motion simulations: pilot application in urban areas, EGE Conference, Chania
Sept 2013.
Kiratzi, A. (2012). The 19 May 2011
Mw5.8 Kütahya earthquake: focal mechanism and slip model from the
inversion of broad band regional waveforms, IESCA, Izmir 5-10 October, 2012.
Kiratzi, A. (2012). The January 2012
earthquake sequence in southern Aegean Sea: rupture directivity resolved from
apparent source time functions, IESCA, Izmir 5-10 October, 2012.
Kiratzi, A. (2010). Seismic sequences
in Dibra region (Albania) and implications for the seismic hazard of the
region, 6th Workshop of the ILP Task Force on sedimentary basins, Dynamics and
active processes: the Albanian natural laboratory and analogues, Tirana,
Albania, November 7- 12, 2010.
Krizova, D., Kiratzi, A. and J.
Zahradnik (2010). The 26 June 2009 Santorini Island (Cyclades) earthquake swarm
in the Hellenic Volcanic Arc: source characteristics using full moment tensor
inversions, 32nd General Assembly of the ESC, 6-10 Sept 2010, Montpellier,
Sokos, E., Kiratzi, A., Serpetsidaki,
A., Tselentis, G-A, Novotny, O., Jansky, J. and J. Zahradnik (2010). The
January 2010 Efpalio earthquake sequence in Western Corinth Gulf: epicenter
relocations, focal mechanisms, slip models, 32nd General Assembly of the ESC,
6-10 Sept 2010, Montpellier, France.
Roumelioti, Z. and A. Kiratzi (2009).
Moderate magnitude earthquake sequences in central Greece, for the year 2008.
Abstract, EGE, 2010.
Roumelioti, Z. and A. Kiratzi (2009).
Incorporating different source rupture characteristics into simulations of
strong ground motion from the 1867, M7.0 earthquake on the island of Lesvos (NE
Aegean Sea, Greece), Abstract, EGE 2010.
Roumelioti, Z., Benetatos, C. and A.
Kiratzi (2009). Source process of the 14 February 2008 M6.7 Earthquake Offshore
South Peloponnese (Greece), EGU General Assembly 2009, Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-0.
Kiratzi, A.,
Roumelioti, Z. and C. Benetatos (2008). Real time seismology and ShakeMaps in
Greece. Paper presented at the 31st General Assembly of ESC, Hersonissos,
Crete, 7-12 Sept, 2008.
Kiratzi, A., Roumelioti, Z., Benetatos,
C. and K. Simirdanis (2008). Educational material in digital form related to
the earthquakes and the seismicity of Greece, 1st Greek Conference on
Education, Naousa 9-11 May, 2008.
Kiratzi, A. (2008). Active tectonics in
the broader Corinth Gulf region. Conference – Symposium “Terra and Thalassa of
Corinthia: Geology – Seismology – Environmnet”, 2-3 May 2008, Corinth.
(Extended abstract in Greek).
Kiratzi, A., Sokos, E., Ganas, A.,
Tselentis, A., Benetatos, C., Roumelioti, Z., Serpetsidaki, A., Andriopoulos,
G., Galanis, O., and Petrou, P. (2008). European Geosciences Union, General
Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria 13-18 April, 2008 Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-00000.
Karamitrou, A., Roumelioti, Z. and A.
Kiratzi (2007). Stochastic strong ground motion simulations due to activation
of active tectonic structures at the proximity of the city of Thessaloniki, 3rd
Hellenic Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology,
Athens, 5 -7 November, 2008 (Abstract No 2082).
Roumelioti, Z., Benetatos, C., Kiratzi,
A. and D. Dreger (2007). Rapid estimation of seismic parameters in Greece using
broad band waveforms of the Hellenic Unified Seismic Network, 3rd Hellenic
Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens, 5 -7
November, 2008 (Abstract No 1789).
Piccardi, L., Toth, L., Vittori, E.,
Aliaj, S., Cello, G., Cunningham, W.D., Drakatos, G., Kiratzi, A., Tondi, E., A
first attempt at compiling a map of active faults of the Adria region (2007),
Geophys. Res. Abstracts, 9, p. 09228.
Kastelic, V., Kiratzi, A., Benetatos,
C., Živčić, M. and J. Bajc (2007). S-wave attenuation in western
and central Slovenia in the frequency range 0.6 to 16 Hz, IUGG XXIV Perugia
2-13 July, 2007.
Kastelic, V., Bajc, J., Mladen, I., and
A. Kiratzi (2007). Applying Different Techniques in Studying an Active
Strike-slip Fault: Example of a Seismotectonic Study in the Southern Alps, NW
Slovenia, IUGG XXIV Perugia 2-13 July, 2007.
Tafaro, F.,
Roumelioti, Z., Benetatos, C., Kiratzi, A., Bottari, A. and G. Neri (2007). Stochastic
strong ground motion simulation of the 28 December 1908 M7.0 Messina (Sicily)
earthquake: investigating different source scenarios, IUGG XXIV, Perugia 2-13
July, 2007.
Benetatos, C., Dreger, D. and A.
Kiratzi (2007). Synthetic Tests to Explore the Resolution of Slip Models
Obtained from the Inversion of Teleseismic Waveforms: Complex and Segmented
Rupture of the 14 August 2003, Mw6.2 Lefkada (Ionian Islands) Earthquake.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, April 15-20, 2007, Vienna, Austria
(Session SM7).
Ganas, A., Drakatos, G., Bosy, J.,
Petro, L., Kontny, B., Stercz, M., Melis, N., Caçon, S., Papanikolaou,
M. and A. Kiratzi (2007). COST Action 625 Results: Monitoring of the Kaparelli
active fault, 2003-2006. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, April
15-20, 2007, Vienna, Austria.
Benetatos, C. and A. Kiratzi (2007).
The 17 October 2005 earthquakes at the Gulf of Siğaçik (western
Turkey): directivity and slip models for the strongest events, European
Geosciences Union General Assembly, April 15-20, 2007, Vienna, Austria (Session
Kiratzi, A. (2007). Distributed
Earthquake Faulting in the Aegean Sea and Kinematic Analysis of Strong Events,
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, April 15-20, 2007, Vienna, Austria
(Invited Lecture, Session TS10.5/ GD12/SM19).
Roumelioti, Z., Theodulidis, N. and A.
Kiratzi (2006). The 20 June 1978 Thessaloniki (Northern Greece) Earthquake
Revisited: Slip Distribution and Forward Modeling of Geodetic and Seismological
Observations, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical
Engineering, June 25 – 28, 2007 Thessaloniki, Greece.
Kiratzi, A. (2006). Distributed
faulting in the Aegean Sea and the surrounding lands, Invited Keynote Lecture
in the International Conference: “Neogene Magmatism of the Central Aegean and
Adjacent Areas: Petrology, Tectonics, Geodynamics, Mineral Resources and
Environment, (NECAM 2006)”, 11 - 13 September 2006, Milos Island, Greece.
Benetatos, C. and A. Kiratzi (2006).
Source characteristics of the 8 January 2006 (Mw 6.7) intermediate depth
Kythera earthquake (Aegean Sea); presented in the 1st European Conference on
Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 3–8 September 2006, Geneva, Switzerland.
Panou, A., Theodulidis, N., Savvaidis,
A., Roumelioti, Z., Dimitriou, P., Hatzidimitriou, P., Kiratzi, A., and C.
Papazachos (2006). Correlation of Ambient Noise Ground Vulnerability Index [Kg]
with Earthquake Damage: The Case of the City of Thessaloniki (northern Greece),
presented in the 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and
Seismology, 3–8 September 2006, Geneva, Switzerland.
Benetatos, C., Kiratzi, A., Ganas, A.,
and G. Drakatos (2006). Properties of the October 2005 earthquake sequence in
the Gulf of Siğaçik (Seferihisar) – eastern Aegean Sea, presented
in the Conference “11th Symposium on Natural Hazards and 2nd Workshop on
Earthquake Prediction of the European Seismological Commission”, 22-24 June
2006, University of Patras (Greece).
Benetatos, C.,
Kiratzi, A., Ganas, A., Ziazia, M., Plessa, A. and G. Drakatos (2006). Properties
of the October 2005 earthquake sequence in the Gulf of Siğacik
(Seferihisar) along the Greek – Turkish borders, presented in the General
Assembly of European Geophysical Union, 2 -7 April, 2006, Vienna, Austria.
Stampolidis, A., Tsokas, G., Kiratzi,
A. and I. Moretti (2005). Seismotectonics of western Greece using geophysical
and seismological data, Conference on: Thrust belts and Foreland Basins, Joint
Earth Science Meeting, Société Géologique de France –
Sociedad Geológica de España, 14 – 16 December 2005, Paris,
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A. and N.
Theodulidis (2005). Slip distribution and forward modelling of geodetic and
seismological data of the 20 June 1978 Thessaloniki (Northern Greece)
earthquake, Intern. Symposium on the Geodynamics of Eastern Mediterranean:
Active tectonics of the Aegean Region, June 15 -18, 2005, Istanbul.
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi. A.,
Theodulidis, N., Savvaidis, A. and C. Benetatos (2005). Seismological
contribution to a system (SEISIMPACT–THES) designed for the evaluation of
seismic impact in the built environment of the prefecture of Thessaloniki
(Northern Greece), Intern. Symposium on the Geodynamics of Eastern
Mediterranean: Active tectonics of the Aegean Region, June 15 -18, 2005,
Karabulut, H., Roumelioti, Z.,
Benetatos, C., Komec, A., Ozalaybey, S., Aktar, M. and A. Kiratzi (2005). A
source study of the July 2003 earthquake sequence in the Gulf of Saros
(Northern Aegean Sea): new evidence for the western continuation of the Ganos
fault, Intern. Symposium on the Geodynamics of Eastern Mediterranean: Active
tectonics of the Aegean Region, June 15 -18, 2005, Istanbul.
Roumelioti, Z., Theodulidis, N., and A.
Kiratzi (2005). Slip distribution and forward modeling of geodetic and
seismological data of the 20 June 1978 Thessaloniki (Northern Greece)
earthquake, Presented in the 2nd General Assembly of the European Geosciences
Union, Vienna 24 – 29 April, 2005.
Savvaidis, P., Sotiriadis, A.,
Valadaki, A., Doukas, I.D., Tziavos, I.N., Kiratzi, A., Savvaidis, A. and
Koutoupes, S., (2005). Use of Web-based GIS for the evaluation of earthquake
damage to the built environment, presented at the “DPPGIS 2005” Inter. Conference,
Pardubice, Czech Republic.
Tziavos I.N., Savvaidis P., Kiratzi A.
and Christaras B. (2005): Geo-Impact - A Thematic Network for the Management of
the Impact of Natural Disasters with the Use of Satellite and Information
Technologies International Symposium Modern Technologies, Education and
Professional Practice in Geodesy and Related Fields, 3-4 November, 2005, Sofia,
Giannakopoulou E.S., Papadimitriou
E.E., Karakostas V.G. and Kiratzi A. A. (2005): Slip distribution on the fault
surface of the strong earthquake (Mw 6.6) Kozani-Grevena and correlation of the
aftershock activity with the static stress change (Coulomb). Workshop "The
Kozani earthquake 10 years after", Kozani, May 13–16, 2005, Abstracts, p.
2–3. [in Greek].
Benetatos, C., Dreger, D. and A.
Kiratzi (2004). The earthquake of 14 Aug. 2003 in Lefkada Island: source
characteristics and geotechnical effects, Presented at the 6th Hellenic
Environmental Conference, Thessaloniki 9-12 Dec. 2004.
Kiratzi, A., Dreger, D., Roumelioti,
Z., and C. Benetatos (2004). Definition of Seismogenic Faults by Combining
Seismological, Geological and Geophysical Data: Case Studies from the Aegean
Sea Area, 2004 AGU Fall meeting, invited (reference number 3633), presented by
D. Dreger.
Kiratzi, A., Z.
Roumelioti, Ch. Benetatos, N. Theodulidis, A. Savvaidis (2004). Scenario
Earthquakes Affecting the Built Environment of Urban Regions in Greece: The
Case of the City of Thessaloniki, Abstract submitted to the XXIX General
Assembly of European Seismological Commission, Sept 12-17, 2004, Potsdam.
Savvaidis, A., N. Theodulidis, P.
Dimitriu, A. Kiratzi, P. Savvaidis, I. Tziavos, G. Karantonis, S. Koutoupes
(2004). SEISIMPACT-THES: A Project Leading to a Reappraisal of the
Environmental and Economic Impact of the 1978 Earthquake (Mw 6.5) to the City
of Thessaloniki (Greece), Abstract submitted to the EGS 2004 Conference, Nice,
Kömeç, A., H. Karabulut, S.
Özalaybey, A. Kiratzi, M. Aktar, R. Roumelioti, C. Benetatos, and C.
Tapırdamaz (2004). The analysis of the 2003 Saros Earthquake Sequence,
North Eastern Aegean Region. Abstract submitted to the EGS 2004 Conference,
Nice, France.
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A. and N.
Theodoulidis (2003). Regional waveform simulation of the 1999 Athens earthquake
by the empirical green’s function method, Abstract submitted to the 10th EGE
2004 Conference.
Benetatos, Ch., A. Kiratzi, K.
Kementzetzidou, Z. Roumelioti, G. Karakaisis, E. Scordilis, I. Latoussakis, G.
Stavrakakis, G. Drakatos (2003). The Psachna (Evia Island) earthquake swarm of
June 2003, Abstract submitted to the 10th EGE 2004 Conference.
Koutoupes, S., G. Karantonis, A.
Sotiriadis, A. Kiratzi, K. Valadaki, N. Theodulidis, A. Savvaidis, H.Tziavos,
P. Savvaidis, I. Doukas (2003). SEISIMPACT-THES: Design, development and
application of an information system to assess the vulnerability to earthquake
hazard of the built environment of the prefecture of Thessaloniki, Abstract
submitted to the 10th EGE 2004 Conference.
Kiratzi, A., Z.
Roumelioti, Ch. Benetatos, N. Theodulidis, A. Savvaidis, A. Panou, H.Tziavos,
P. Savvaidis, Hatzigogos, Th., S. Koutoupes, G. Karantonis (2003). SEISIMPACT-THES:
scenario earthquakes affecting the built environment of the prefecture of
Thessaloniki, Abstract submitted to the 10th EGE 2004 Conference.
Savvaidis, P., I. Doukas, Th.
Hatzigogos, I.N.Tziavos, A. Kiratzi, Z. Roumelioti, A. Savvaidis, N.
Theodulidis, S. Koutoupes, G. Karantonis (2003). SEISIMPACT-THES: a system for
the evaluation of seismic impact in the built environment of the prefecture of
Thessaloniki, 10th Intern. Conf. of the Hellenic Geological Society, 2004.
Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A. and N.
Theodoulidis (2003). Stochastic strong ground motion simulation of the 7
September 1999 Athens (Greece) earthquake, Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet.
Suppl., Abstract S52A-0131.
Kiratzi, A. and Z. Roumelioti (2003).
Source parameters that affect strong ground motions: case studies of recent
large earthquakes in the Aegean Sea. Invited presentation at the Workshop on
“Seismogenic faulting and seismic activity in the Calabrian Arc region:
research trends and links to current investigations in other regions”, October
16-17, 2003, Taormina, Sicily, pp. 47-48.
Roumelioti, Z., Benetatos, C., Kiratzi,
A., Theodoulidis, N., Aktar, M., and H. Karabulut (2003). Source process of
normal earthquakes: the 3 March 2002, M6.6 Afyon, Turkey and the 7 September
1999, M5.9 Athens, Greece earthquakes. Abstract, 5th International Conference
on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, April 13 – 17, 2004, NY.
Benetatos, C., Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi,
A., Stavrakakis, G., Drakatos, G., Latoussakis, I., Karastathis, V., Ganas, A.,
and M. Arvanitis (2003). Source parameter study of the 14 August 2003 (M 6.2)
Lefkada earthquake and its largest aftershocks, European Seismological
Commission /Sub-Commission on Earthquake Prediction Research, 1st International
Workshop on Earthquake Prediction, Nov 6-7, 2003, Athens, Greece.
Karagianni, I., Papazachos, C.,
Scordilis, E., Karakaisis, G. and A. Kiratzi (2003). Accelerating seismic
crustal deformation before recent strong earthquakes in the broader Himalayas
area: indications for the precursory behavior of interplate and intraplate
mainshocks, European Seismological Commission /Sub-Commission on Earthquake
Prediction Research, 1st International Workshop on Earthquake Prediction, Nov
6-7, 2003, Athens.
Roumelioti, Z., Benetatos, Ch.,
Kiratzi, A., Stavrakakis, G. and N. Melis (2003). Preliminary study of the 2
December 2002 (M 5.5) Vartholomio (western Peloponnese, Greece) earthquake
sequence, European Seismological Commission/Sub-Commission on Earthquake
Prediction Research, 1st International Workshop on Earthquake Prediction, Nov
6-7, 2003, Athens, Greece.
Benetatos, Ch., Kiratzi, A., Papazachos
C. and G. Karakaisis (2003). Focal mechanisms of shallow and intermediate depth
earthquakes along the Hellenic Trench, Abstract Volume of the International
conference “The South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc: Present Knowledge and future
perspectives” Milos island, (SAAVA 2003, 17-20 September, 2003), Greece.
Diagourtas, D., Theodulidis, N.,
Makropoulos, K., Kiratzi, A., Roumelioti, Z., and N. Voulgaris (2002). Strong
Ground Motion Simulation of the Sept. 7, 1999 Athens (Greece) Earthquake
(Mw5.9); 26th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission,
(September 1-6, 2002), Genoa, Italy.
Benetatos, Ch., Kiratzi, A., Papazachos
C. and G. Karakaisis (2002). Source parameters of intermediate depths
earthquakes in the southern Aegean Sea and stochastic simulation of ground
motion, 26th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission,
(September 1-6, 2002), Genoa, Italy.
Arrigo, G.,
Roumelioti, Z., Bottari, A., Benetatos, Ch., Kiratzi, A., Neri, G., Termini, D.
and A. Gorini (2002). Source modeling of the 1998 Lauria
earthquake (Mw 5.4) in southern Italy by simulation of the ground acceleration
time history, Proc. of the National Geophysical Conference, 20-22 November
2002, Rome, Italy.
Louvari, E. and A. Kiratzi (2000). The
focal mechanism of the April 26, 1988 earthquake (Adriatic Sea). 3rd
International Conference on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean”, Sept
23-26, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1998.
Peçi, V., E. Scordilis, A.
Kiratzi, B. Muço, N. Kuka, and Sh. Shubleka (2000). A new catalogue for
recent earthquakes in Albania, poster presentation, American Geophysical Union
Spring Meeting, book of abstracts, May 30-June 3, 2000, Washington, D.C.
5th Hellenic Conference of Earthquake
Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens 20-22/Oct2022, Invited Theme
Lecture. https://5psamts.eltam.org/speakers/
37th General Assembly of the European
Seismological Commission, Corfu Island, Greece on 6-11 September, 2021, Invited
Keynote Lecture. https://bit.ly/3Sqa2sM
4th Hellenic Conference of Earthquake
Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Athens 5-7 Sep 2019, Invited Keynote
Lecture. https://conv.eltam.org/speakers/
International Workshop “Seismic
response assessments of minarets and important high rise historical and
monumental structures in Crete (Greece)” supported by the UNESCO Regional
Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe and the Japan Fund in Trust project
“International Platform for Reducing Earthquake Disasters”, 14-15 December
2017, Chania, Invited Speaker https://bit.ly/3fcM5ah
University of Thrace, School of Civil
Engineering, “Site conditions and strong ground motion simulations”, Xanthi 20
November 2015, Invited Speaker
18th Student Conference on Structures,
Invited Lecture: The most significant characteristics of strong earthquakes in
Greece, Patras, 14-15 February, 2012.
University of Thrace, School of Civil
Engineering, “Seismic source characteristics that shape the damage pattern in
constructions”, Xanthi 22 June 2012, Invited Speaker
6th Workshop of the ILP Task Force on
Sedimentary Basins, Invited Lecture “Seismic sequences in Dibra region
(Albania) and implications for the seismic hazard of the region”, Tirana,
Albania, 8-11 Nov 2010.
10 years after the Athens 1999
earthquake “Lessons learned”, Invited Lecture “Kinematic characteristics of
strong earthquakes in Greece”, Athens 3-4 December 2009.
2nd International Workshop
"Advances in understanding crustal deformation in SE Europe using the GNSS
systems» Invited lecture title: “The 24 May 2009 Mw5.2 earthquake sequence near
Lake Doirani (FYROM - Greek borders): focal mechanisms, slip model, ground
motions” Kato Nevrokopi, Eastern Macedonia, Greece, November 20 - 21, 2009.
3rd Hellenic Conference on Engineering
Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, (Invited Thematic Lecture “Source
properties of strong Mw>6.0 earthquakes in Greece), Athens 5-7 November,
31st General Assembly of the European
Seismological Commission, ESC 2008, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, 7-12 September
2008 (Invited Assembly Lecture: “Seismology in Greece: Current advances and
Symposium ‘Terra et Mare of
Corinthian’, Invited Lecture: The seismotectonics of the Corinth Gulf, Corinth
2-3 May, 2008.
European Geosciences Union, General
Assembly, April 15-20, 2007, Vienna, Austria (Invited Lecture “Distributed
Earthquake Faulting in the Aegean Sea and kinematic analysis of strong events”,
Session TS10.5/ GD12/SM19).
COST Action National Representative,
Invited Lecture “Monitoring Active Tectonic Structures in Greece, Florence,
Italy, 2006.
International Conference: “Neogene
Magmatism of the Central Aegean and Adjacent Areas: Petrology, Tectonics,
Geodynamics, Mineral Resources and Environment, (NECAM 2006)”, Title of invited
Lecture: Distributed faulting in the Aegean Sea and the surrounding lands”, 11
- 13 September 2006, Milos Island, Greece (Invited Keynote Lecture).
Scientific Conference of the Geological
Society of Greece: “Geology of Thrace – Seismotectonics of NE Aegean Sea”,
Samothrace Island, September 2– 4, 2005 (invited speaker).
European Advanced School on Tectonics,
“Definition of Seismogenic Faults by
Combining Seismological, Geological and Geophysical Data: Case Studies from the
Aegean Sea area” ICTP, Trieste, 18-22 April 2005 (invited teacher).
COST Action National Representative,
Invited Lecture “Scenario earthquakes affecting the built environment of urban
regions in Greece: the case of the city of Thessaloniki”, Bucharest, Rumania,
Workshop on “Seismogenic faulting and
seismic activity in the Calabrian Arc region: research trends and links to
current investigations in other regions”, Taormina, Sicily, 16-19 October, 2003
(invited speaker).
2nd International Conference on
Ecological Protection of the Planet Earth, Sofia, Bulgaria, 5 – 8 June 2003
(invited speaker “Contribution of
Geophysical Prospecting to Environmental Research”).
Workshop “Insurance and Earthquake:
Risks and Protection”, International Life Ltd, Thessaloniki, May 14, 2003
(invited speaker).
International Workshop on “Social,
Economic and Environmental Impacts of Chemistry & Geology”, Thessaloniki,
14-15 April 2003 (invited speaker).
Workshop organized by the Ministry of
Environment, Planning and Public Works “Earthquake Design of Constructions”,
Kavala, Greece, 21-22 September 2002, (invited speaker).
Symposia on “Seismotectonics of
North-Western Anatolia – Aegean and recent Turkish events”, Istanbul, Turkey,
May 7-9, 2001 (invited speaker).
International Advanced Research
Workshop “Integration of Earth Science Research on the Turkish and Greek 1999
earthquakes and needs for future cooperative research”, May 14-17, 2000,
Istanbul, Turkey (invited speaker).
Workshop on the “Management of
Earthquake Catastrophes”, Thessaloniki, 3-4 December, 1999 (Invited Speaker).
Messina University Forum, Scientific
Meeting on “Earthquake fault plane solutions: databases, derived parameters,
geodynamic inferences”, February 4-, 1997, Taormina (Messina), Italy (Invited
Workshop on Earthquake Observations,
Monitoring and Research, Joint Research Centre (JRC), November 4-5, 1996,
Ispra, Italy (Invited Speaker).
Workshop in the framework of the
International Lithosphere Project ILP-II “World Map of major active faults: The
North Anatolian and the Aegean active fault systems, June 1-8, 1992,
Thessaloniki (Invited Speaker).
N. (2020). A seismological and remote sensing approach of geodynamic phenomena,
PhD thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp. 391.
N. (2019). The 2017 Lesvos earthquake
sequence: strong ground motion simulation, seismicity and seismic hazard
assessment, MSc thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp. 161.
A. (2019). Green’s functions and moment tensor inversion: a study of the
Bodrum-Kos 2017 seismic sequence. MSc thesis, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, pp. 139.
A. (2019). Near-field simulations of
strong ground motion of the 2017 Kos – Halicarnassus earthquake, MSc thesis,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp. 171.
E. (2015). Source parameters of the 24 May 2014 north Aegean earthquake. MSc thesis, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, pp. 191.
E. (2012). Focal mechanisms and source properties of earthquakes in the Aegean
Sea region using broad band records. MSc thesis, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, pp. 150.
A. (2008). Simulation of earthquake strong ground motions in Greece with
emphasis in urban areas. MSc thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp.
C. (2007). A seismotectonic study of the Aegean Sea and surrounding area using
digital waveform data. PhD thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp.
I. (2004). Intra-plate earthquakes: the case of the strong (M 7.7) January 26,
2001 India earthquake. MSc thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp.
Z. (2003). Simulation of strong ground motion, in the near field, of large
earthquakes in the Aegean Sea and the adjacent areas, PhD thesis, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, p. 210.
Ch. (2002). Properties of earthquake seismic sources in southern Aegean Sea,
with emphasis on intermediate depth earthquakes, and stochastic simulation of
ground motion, MSc thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, p. 150.
M. (2001). Seismic source parameters, focal mechanisms and stress tensor
inversions in northern and central Aegean Sea, MSc thesis, Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki, p. 130.
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