Preliminary Hypocenter

Date: 27 APR 2019
GMT Time:15:07:58.7
Location:37.568N 20.374E- South IONIAN sea - W. GREECE
Depth: 2.00

Location Maps


LTHK P 15:08:06.5
LTHK S 15:08:12.0
PSDA P 15:08:09.7
PSDA S 15:08:18.1
RTZL P 15:08:09.8
RTZL S 15:08:18.6
VLS P 15:08:10.6
VLS S 15:08:19.8
DMLN P 15:08:11.6
DMLN S 15:08:21.2
VSK1 P 15:08:14.7
VSK1 S 15:08:27.1
FSK P 15:08:15.4
FSK S 15:08:28.7
RLS P 15:08:17.2
RLS S 15:08:31.8
EVGI P 15:08:18.5
EVGI S 15:08:34.3
DRO P 15:08:19.9
DRO S 15:08:36.3
NYDR P 15:08:20.5
NYDR S 15:08:37.6
LKD2 P 15:08:21.8
LKD2 S 15:08:40.3
TSLK P 15:08:22.4
TSLK S 15:08:40.8
PYL P 15:08:22.6
ITM P 15:08:22.9
ITM S 15:08:41.1
EFP P 15:08:25.5
EFP S 15:08:46.7
KLV P 15:08:25.9
ALIK P 15:08:27.1
ANX P 15:08:27.4
GUR P 15:08:27.2
KALE P 15:08:27.1
EVR P 15:08:29.6



C Data from AUTH - Aristotle University Thessaloniki Network (HT) & cooperating Greek networks:
C -NOA - National Observatory of Athens, Institute of Geodynamics (HL)
C -UOA - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Seismological Laboratory (HA)
C -UOP - University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory (HP)
C - Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Crete (HC)
C - ITSAK - Institute of Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (HI)
C Usage of data from:
C GFZ Potsdam (GE), IGBAS Sofia (BS), Albanian network (AC)
C SORM Skopje (MA), Kandilli Observatory Istanbul (KO)
C is also acknowledged
C Analysis made by: P. BOUNTZIS