The building of the Seismological Station in the are of  
40 Ekklisies in Thessaloniki Mission | Scientific Collaborations ||Contribution to the society


The Seismological Station of A.U.TH. was founded in 1978 and belongs to the Department of Geophysics of the School of Geology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. It consists the central station of a network of 45 telemetric seismological stations, which covers a large part of Greece.

The primary target of the Seismological Station is the continuous, on a 24-hours basis, monitoring, recording and analysis of the seismic activity in Greece and the surrounding lands, as well as the dissemination of fast and reliable information on earthquakes to the authorities and the public at large.

The personnel of the Seismological Station consists of faculty memebers of the Department of Geophysics of A.U.TH., speciliazed scientists with large experience on earthquakes and management of earthquake disasters, and graduate students of the Department.


The Seismological Station of A.U.TH. has established and continues to pursue collaborations on a plethora of seismological subjects with both national and international organizations. The Station's personnel gather data (from both regional and global earthquakes) from the permanent network on a daily basis, and forward them to the international seismological data centers (on average, data from 800 earthquakes per month are sent to the international centers).


One of the primary tasks of the Seismological Station of A.U.TH. is to provide timely and accurate earthquake information after the occurence of moderate-to-large magnitude earthquakes (which are usually felt by local populations). In this frame, the personnel of the Seismological Station makes announcements, whenever this is necessary, which provide scientific information about the on-going seismic activity. Furthermore, the Seismological Station contributes to the education and training of the public and especially of young students, on earthquake hazard and prepardness issues, through tours and lectures, which are regularly organized.

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