Publications in Special Volumes
1 1983 Papazachos, B.C., Tsapanos, T.M. and Panagiotopoulos, D.G. The time, magnitude and space distribution of the 1978 Thessaloniki seismic sequence. In: Papazachos, B.C. and Carydis, E.E., (editors) “The Thessaloniki Northern Greece, Earthquake of the June 20, 1978, 117-131, 1983.
2 1984 Kondopoulou, D. and Lauer, J.P. Paleomagnetic data from Tertiary units of the North Aegean zone. "The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean", Geological Society of London, Special Publications No 17, 1984..
3 1989 Tsokas G.N. and Dimitropoulos, K. Can the Geophysical maps over buried ancient sites reveal specific structures, if correlated to prefetermined signals? "Theory and practice of Applied Geophysics”, 4,  Geophysical Data Inversion methods and applications", Vogel,A. Ofoeghu,G.O., Gorenflo,R. and Ursin B. (eds), Vieweg, 297-313, 1989.
4 1990 Tsokas G.N. and Papazachos, C.B. The applicability of two dimensional inversion filters in magnetic prospecting for buried antiquities. "Theory and practice of Applied Geophysics” , 5, Theory and practice of Geophysical Data Inversion, Vogel,A., Sarvar, A.K.M., Gorenflo,R. and Kounchev,O.I. (Eds), Vieweg 121-144, 1990.
5 1993 Karmis P. and Tsokas, G.N. Time domain T.E.M. in the search for buried antiquities: a field experiment. “Theory and Practice of Applied Geophysics” , 7, Geophysical Exploration of Archaeological sites, 123-138,1993
6 1993 Papamarinopoulos S.P., Tsokas, G.N., Lakaki, M., Savopoulou, T. Advanced Geophysical prospecting processsing of field data and practical results. “Theory and Practice of Applied Geophysics” , 7, Geophysical Exploration of Archaeological sites, 149-160,1993.
7 1993 Tsokas G.N. An Investigation of the effectiveness of inverse filtering in the geophysical search of archaeological sites. Theory and Practice of Applied Geophysics, 7,Geophysical Exploration of Archaeological sites, 73-88,1993.
8 1994 Pitilakis, K., Hatzidimitriou, P., Bard, P-Y., Manos, G. and Jongmans, D. Euro-Seistest. Volvi-Thessaloniki: A European test site for engineering seismology, earthquake engineering and seismology. «ERCAD Conference», Berlin, 15-17 June, pp. 8, In Earthquake Resistant Construction and Design (ed. Savidis) (Balkema, Rotterdam ), 1994.
9 1996 Kondopoulou, D.,Atzemoglou, A. and Pavlides, S.(1996) Palaeomagnetism as a tool for testing geodynamic models in the North Aegean:convergences, controversies and a further hypothesis.In: Morris,A., Tarling,D.H.(Eds.), Palaeomagnetism and Tectonics of the Mediterranean region,Geological Soc. οf London Special Publication 105,277-288.
10 1996 Feinberg, H. ,Edel,J.B., Kondopoulou,D. and Michard, A. Implications of ophiolite Paleomagnetism for the interpretation of the geodynamics of Northern Greece In: Morris,A., Tarling,D.H. (Eds.), Palaeomagnetism and Tectonics of the Mediterranean region,Geological Soc. οf London Special Publication 105, 289-298, 1996.
11 1996 Nolet, G. and Papazachos, C. B., Seismic tomography and constraints on the composition of the upper mantle, In: High Pressure and High Temperature Research on Lithosphere and Mantle Materials, Eds. M. Mellini, G. Ranalli, C. Ricci, and V. Trommsdorff, 67-87,1996.
12 1998 Karakaisis, G.F., Papadimitriou, E.E . and Tsapanos, T.M. (1998). Earthquake prediction in the area of Greece. "Basic results of seismological research in Greece, – Special Volume dedicated to Prof. B. Papazachos", Thessaloniki, Ziti Publications, 105-124.
13 1998 Triantafyllidis, P., Hatzidimitriou, P.M., Suhadolc, P., Theodulidis, N. and  Pitilakis, K.  Comparison between 1-D and 2-D site effects modeling in Thessaloniki.  Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on the Effects  of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Yokohama, Japan, 1-3 Dec. 1998, In :The Effects of the Surface Geology on Seismic Motion (eds Irikura, K., Kudo, K., Okada H. and Sasatani, T.) (Balkema, Rotterdam, Vol. 2)981-986,  1998.
14 1998 Panagiotopopulos, D.G., Hatzidimitriou, P.M. and Tsokas, G.N., Crustal structure of the Aegean and the surrounding area based on seismic wave velocities, density distribution and seismic wave attenuation. (In Greek) Basic Results on the seismological research in Greece, Honorary Volume to Prof. Papazachos B.K., Lab. of Geophysics of the Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki and ITSAK, 78-104, 1998. 
15 1998  Papazachos, C., Kiratzi, A. and D. Kontopoulou. Active tectonics in the Aegean Sea and the surrounding lands. “In the book: Essential Results of Seismological Research in Greece, Ziti Publications Co.,” 49-77 (in Greek), 1998.
16 1998 Karakaisis, G.F., Papadimitriou, E.E . and Tsapanos, T.M.  Earthquake prediction in the area of Greece. "Basic results of seismological research in Greece, – Special Volume dedicated to Prof. B. Papazachos", Thessaloniki, Ziti Publications, 105-124, 1998.
17 1998 Scordilis, E.M., Karakostas, V.G. and P.P. Dimitriou. Seismicity of Greece: “In the book: Essential Results of Seismological Research in Greece, Ziti Publications Co.”, 17–48, 1998 (in Greek)
18 1998 Lagios E., Sideris G., Zervos F., Tsourlos P., Nicholson R., Ponomarev A., Salov B., Balassanian S., Petrosyan S., Bushati S., and Lika O.  Tectonic early warning system through real time Radon (Rn) monitoring. Preliminary results. In Earthquake Hazard and Seismic Risk Reduction Earthquake Hazard and Seismic Risk Reduction - (Balassanian S., Cisternas A., Melkumyan M. eds). Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 12, 261-270, 1988
19 1999 Tsourlos P., Szymanski J. and Tsokas G. (1999). 2-D Non-linear Inversion of Resistivity Data Arising from Archaeological Sites. Prospezzioni Archaeologishe, « Filtering Optimization and Modeling of Geophysical Data in Archaeological Prospecting», 167-182.
20 2000 Papazachos, B.C., Karakaisis, G., Hatzidimitriou, P.M., Karakostas, B., Kiratzi, A., Leventakis, G., Margaris, B., Panagiotopoulos, D., Papadimitriou, E., Papaioannou, Ch., Papazachos, C., Savvaidis, A., Theodulidis, N., Tsapanos, Th.., and Dimitiou, P., A procedure to assess the evolution of a seismic sequence. Αnn. Geol. Pays Hell. (A la memoire du Prof. J. Drakopoulos), 38, 119-128, 2000.
21 2002 Karakaisis, G. F. and Papazachos, C. B. Seismology in Greece: a report. In: IASPEI International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology (Eds. W. H. K. Lee, H. Kanamori, P. C. Jennings and C. Kisslinger), pp. 1-21, 2002. 
22 2003 Papazachos, B.C., Karakostas, V.G., Kiratzi, A.A., Margaris, V.N., Papazachos, C.B. and E.M. Scordilis. Magnitude Scales for Earthquakes in Greece and their relation to moment magnitude. “In the Special Volume for G. Galanopoulos”, Athens University, (in Greek), 31 October – 2 November, 2002, 9pp, 2003.
23 2004 Tarling, D., Kondopoulou D., and Spatharas V.  An archaeomagnetic study of the LM IB kilns, Prehistory Monographs 9, published by INSTAP Academic press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2004.
24 2005 Dimitriadis, I.M., Panagiotopoulos, D.G., Papazachos, C.B., Hatzidimitriou, P.M., Karagianni, E.E. and Kane, I. Recent Seismic Activity (1994-2002) of the Santorini Volcano Using Data from Local Seismological Network. Proc. of Int. Conf. of The South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc: Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives (SAAVA 2003), 17-20 Sept., Milos, Greece,  ed. Elsevier Book Series: Development in Volcanology-7, 185-203, 2005.
25 2005 Papazachos, B.C., Dimitriadis, S.T., Panagiotopoulos, D.G., Papazachos, C.B. and Papadimitriou, E.E., Deep structure and active tectonics of the Southern Aegean volcanic arc, Developments in Volcanology: The South Aegean Volcanic Arc, 391pp., Elsevier, 47-64, 2005.
26 2006 Roumelioti, Z., Kiratzi, A., Theodoulidis, N., Panou, A. A., Savvaidis, A. and Benetatos C., Earthquake ground motion scenarios in urban areas: the case of the city of Thessaloniki (northern Greece), In the Monograph: Geodynamics of Balkan Peninsula, Editor: G. Milev; (Special Issue of Reports on Geodesy, Warsaw Univ. of Technology - Inst. of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy), 303-318, 2006.
27 2006 Stampolidis A., Tsokas, G. Ν. and Kiratzi, A. Seismotectonics of western Greece using geophysical and seismological data. In the Monograph: Geodynamics of Balkan Peninsula, Editor: G. Milev; “Special Issue of Reports on Geodesy”, 5(80), Warsaw University of Technology – Institute of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy, 318-330, 2006.
28 2006 Papazachos, B.C., Karakaisis, G.F., Papazachos, C.B., and Scordilis, E.M., Perspectives for earthquake prediction in the Mediterranean and contribution of geological observations, In: Tectonic Development of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. (From: Robertson, A.H.F. & Mountrakis, D., eds), Publ. Geol. Soc., London, 260, 689–707, 2006.
29 2008 Papazachos, C.B., Scordilis, E.M. and P.M. Hatzidimitriou. The seismological network of A.U.Th. and the 1978 strong Thessaloniki earthquake. “Workshop on the 30 years after the Thessaloniki earthquake: Memories and perspectives”, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,  Thessaloniki 2008, 96-100, 2008.
30 2008 Tsokas G. N., Tsourlos, P. I. and Papadopoulos, N. Electrical resistivity tomography: a flexible technique in solving problems of archaeological research. In Seeing the Unseen. Geophysics and Landscape Archaeology, edited by S. Campana and S. Piro, ISBN 978-00415-44721-8, 83-104, 2008. 
31 2008 Tsapanos, T.M., Seismicity and seismic hazard assessment in Greece, Earthq. Monitoring and Seism. Hazard Mitigation in Balkn countries, Borovetz-Bulgaria, 11-17 Sept 2005, SpringerSciemce and Media, B.V 2008, 253-270 ,2005
32 2009 Paul, Anne,  Dean M. Childs, Denis Hatzfeld, Panagiotis Hatzidimitriou, Fabien Hubans,Hayrullah Karabulut, Catherine Péquegnat and Gwenaelle Salaün.   Exploring the crustal and mantle structure of the Aegean and Western Anatolia: objectives and preliminary results of the SIMBAAD seismic experiment. Journées de l'Ecole Doctorale STUE "Geodynamics and Seismotectonics of the Aegean Zone", Strasbourg, 14-15 May 2009.  
33 2011 Papazachos, B.C., Scordilis, E.M., Papazachos, C.B., Karakaisis, G.F. Checking the reliability of Intermediate-term earthquake prediction of giant earthquakes (M~9) in Java and South America by the Decelerating-Accelerating Seismicity model. (in Greek). Special volume in honour of Prof. V.Papageorgiou, Aristotle Univ. Thessaloniki, 309-318, 2011.
34 2011 Κilias, A., Fallakis, G., Sfeikos, A., Papadimitriou, E., Vamvaka, A. & Gkarlaounni Ch. Architecture of Kinematics and Deformation History of the Tertiary Supradetachment Thrace basin: Rhodope Province (NE Greece): in New Frontiers in Tectonic Research – At the Midst of Plate Convergence, (ed) U. Schattner, InTech, open access Publisher, 1-20,  2011.
35 2011 Papazachos, B.C., Karakaisis, G.F, Papazachos, C.B., and Scordilis, E.M., A test on the posibility of intermediate-term earthquake prediction of giant (M~9.0) earthquakes in the subduction zones of Java and S,America using  the Decelerated-Accelerated Seismic Deformation Model (in Greek), Special volume in honour of Prof. V.Papageorgiou, Aristotle Univ. Thessaloniki, 309-318, 2011.