COMPLETED (since 2002)
(in temporal order)
Mesimeri Maria

Spatiotemporal properties of earthquake swalms

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Papadimitriou E.

Ioannidis Nikolaos

Archaeomagnetic studies in roman kilns of the wide area of thessaloniki and combination of them with thermoluminescence data.

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Kondopoulou D.

Apostolidis Georgios


Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Tsokas G.

Dimakis Euthimis

Fault plane solutions and seismic source parameters in Greece using digital broad-band seismological data

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Kyratzi A.

Teza Eleni

Automated procedure validating the possible evolution of a seismic

Thesis Supervisor, As. Prof.: Scordilis E.

Giannakis Iraklis

Antoniou Dimitris

Cheimaris Georgios

Adamaki Angeliki

Asteiopoulos Anastasios

Ballas Dimitrios

Anthymidis Marios

Geophysical structure and response of the upper layers of the Earth using ambient noise array data and earthquake recordings

Thesis Supervisor, Ac.Prof.:Papazachos C.

Leptokaropoulos Konstantinos

Kkallas Charis

Simirdanis Kleanthis

Experimental study of electrical tomography in boreholes.

Thesis Supervisor, Ac.Prof.: Tsourlos P

Karamitrou Alexandra

Ground motion simulation from earthquake scenarios in big metropolitan centers

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Kiratzi A.

Rigas Michalis

Contribution in the hydrogeology of the Western and Central Mesaoria (Cyprus) by geoelectrical data - processing.

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Vargemezis G.



Milea Christos

Complex characteristics of anomalies caused by carvings

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.:Tsokas G.


Garlaouni Charikleia

Stress field process in the Sichuan - Yunnan area (southeastern China)

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.:Papadimitriou E.



Tsambas Anestis

The critical-earthquake model in low seismicity areas of Europe

Thesis Supervisor, Ac.Prof.:Scordilis E.


Messini Anna

Stress interaction between thrust and strike slip faults in Greece

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.:Papadimitiou E.


Mpogiatzis Petros

2-D inversion of seismic refraction tomography data.

Thesis Supervisor, Ac.Prof.:Papazachos C.


Karamanos Christos

A study of the active tectonics in the North Aegean trough

Thesis Supervisor, Ac.Prof.:Karakostas V.


Karaoulis Marios

2D inversion of geoelectrical data of electrical soundings.

Thesis Supervisor, Ac.Prof.:Tsourlos P.



Tassis GIorgos

Differential magnetic data inversion in archaeological exploration

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.:Tsokas G.


Tournas Dimitris

Study of the geometry of the Mygdonia basin at the "Euroseistest" area, using geophysical field measurements

Thesis Supervisor, Ac.Prof.: Papazachos Constantinos


Ventouzi Chrisanthi

A Seismotectonic study of the islands of eastern Aegean sea

Thesis Supervisor, Ac.Prof.:Karakostas V.



Athanasiou Eleni

Combined inversion of geoelectric data by the use of contact electrodes

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Tsokas Grigoris


Vamvakaris Domenikos

Contribution in the seismotectonic study of the broader area of Mygdonia basin (N. Greece)

Thesis Supervisor, Ac.Prof.: Papazachos Constantinos



Dimitriadis Iordanis

Seismotectonic characteristics of the Santorini volcanic center

Thesis Supervisor, Ac.Prof.:Panagiotopoulos Dimitris



Karagianni Ioanna

Intra-plate earthquakes: the case of the strong (M 7.7) January 26, 2001 India earthquake

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Kiratzi Anastasia



Papadopoulos Nikos

Geophysical and geological structure of the island of Cyprus through the study of potential fields data

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Tsokas Grigoris


Paradeisopoulou Parthena

Microseismic study of Thessaloniki and the adjacent areas

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Papadimitriou Eleftheria


Banitsiotou Iordana

Seismic hazard assessment within the seismogenetic zones of Greece and the adjacent areas by using the modified Bayes method

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Tsapanos Theodoros


Tema Evdokia

The contribution of magnetic parameters on the investigation of the environmental conditions on lake sediments. A case study: Koumoundourou lake and Kerkini lake

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Kondopoulou Despoina



Diamanti Nektaria

Joint interpretation of geophysical data from the archaeological site of Europos (N. Greece)

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Tsokas Grigoris

Benetatos Christoforos

Properties of the seismic sources of Aegean region with emphasis on the indermediate depth earthquakes and stochastic simulation of strong ground motion

Thesis Supervisor, Prof.: Kiratzi Anastasia

Papadopoulos Ilias

Robust inversion of TDEM (Time Domain Electro-Magnetics)

Thesis Supervisor, Lect.: Tsourlos Panagiotis.

Skarlatoudis Andreas

Relocation of the hypocentral earthquake parameters for Greece with the use of data from local experiments and effects on the attenuation relations of strong motion

Thesis Supervisor, Acc. Prof: Papazachos Constantinos